Home Veranstaltungen ONLINE COURSE: Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming
ONLINE COURSE: Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming

ONLINE COURSE: Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming

The aim of the trai­ning course is to increase par­ti­ci­pants’ know­ledge and skills on how to assess and to reduce dis­as­ter and cli­mate risks for pro­jects, plans, and poli­cies. By the end of the trai­ning course, par­ti­ci­pants should be able to cri­ti­cally ana­lyse risk sce­na­rios and to deve­lop and apply appro­priate risk reduc­tion measures.

The spe­ci­fic objec­ti­ves of the trai­ning course are the­r­e­fore as follows:

  • To increase under­stan­ding of dis­as­ter and cli­mate risk con­cepts and their context
  • To enhance awa­re­ness of risk assess­ment pro­ces­ses and tools for plan­ned and exis­ting pro­jects, plans, and policies
  • To increase under­stan­ding of risk reduc­tion and adapt­a­tion mea­su­res and inte­gra­tion into project

Course Con­tent:

  • Risk assess­ment and risk mapping
  • Means of dis­as­ter pre­ven­tion, miti­ga­tion and pre­pared­ness, and adapt­a­tion to cli­mate change rela­ted to natu­ral hazards, such as drought, lands­lide, flood and cyclone
  • The social, eco­no­mic, envi­ron­men­tal and poli­ti­cal con­text of cli­mate adapt­a­tion and dis­as­ter risk manage­ment programs
  • Dif­fe­rent opti­ons of fos­te­ring resi­li­ence among vul­nerable com­mu­ni­ties, sec­tors, and regi­ons rela­ted to nature-rela­ted dis­as­ters and cli­mate change
  • Eco­sys­tem-based adapt­a­tion (EbA) and dis­as­ter risk reduc­tion (DRR)
  • Main­strea­ming DRR and adapt­a­tion in huma­ni­ta­rian aid and deve­lo­p­ment coöperation
  • Orga­niza­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment with a focus on adapt­a­tion and DRR


Mo, 07. März 2022


09:30 - 15:00


Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung (SLE), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung (SLE), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Nächste Veranstaltung