Home Veranstaltungen Transformation Literacy conference
From Collaboration to Transformation Literacy

Transformation Literacy conference

The Coll­ec­tive Lea­der­ship Insti­tute laun­ches its first inter­na­tio­nal Trans­for­ma­tion Liter­acy Con­fe­rence, a six-part event series that will dive into each stra­te­gic ele­ment neces­sary to become a mas­ter in the lan­guage of transformation.

Trans­for­ma­tion Liter­acy is a com­pe­tence that enables us to engen­der change toward a sus­tainable world and the CLI will bring tog­e­ther experts with a demons­tra­ted record of lea­ding change in the field to dis­cuss and acquire tog­e­ther this com­pe­tence. We firmly believe that with the right tools ever­yone can become a coll­ec­tive lea­der for sustainability.

The events are taking place each Thurs­day at 14 – 16 CET start­ing on 24 Febru­ary 2022 and ending on 31 March 2022.

All actors who work on sus­taina­bi­lity chal­lenges are invi­ted to this free online con­fe­rence. Here are the links to regis­ter for each of the sessions:

Nar­ra­ti­ves: What are the sto­ries that inspire trans­for­ma­tive change?
On 24 Febru­ary, 14 – 16 CET: https://​www​.event​brite​.de/​e​/​2​2​5​9​1​7​9​45657

Struc­tures: How do we orga­nize coll­ec­tive ste­ward­ship of change?
On 3 March, 14 – 16 CET: https://​www​.event​brite​.de/​e​/​2​2​5​9​2​1​6​36697

Inno­va­tion: How do we guide inno­va­tions towards rege­ne­ra­tive futures?
On 10 March, 14 – 16 CET: https://​www​.event​brite​.de/​e​/​2​2​5​9​2​6​2​90617

Metrics: How do we mea­sure progress?
On 17 March, 14 – 16 CET: https://​www​.event​brite​.de/​e​/​2​2​5​9​2​9​9​51567

Gover­nance: How do we learn coll­ec­tively and navi­gate differences?
On 24 March, 14 – 16 CET: https://​www​.event​brite​.de/​e​/​2​2​5​9​3​3​6​62667

Regu­la­ti­ons: How do we safe­guard the com­mons and pla­ne­tary life-sup­port systems
On 31 March, 14 – 16 CET: https://​www​.event​brite​.de/​e​/​2​2​5​9​3​6​7​41877

Feel free to share and join.


Do, 24. Februar 2022


14:00 - 16:00


Collective Leadership Institute


Collective Leadership Institute

Nächste Veranstaltung